Michael Monks
Michael Monks brings a broad range of experience to WVXU-FM as the new host of Cincinnati Edition, Cincinnati Public Radio's weekday news and information talk show.
He's the publisher/editor/chief reporter for Northern Kentucky's River City News website who spends his weeknights covering city government or school board meetings.
Spring is officially here, and with it are warmer temperatures and more daylight.
The deadly rampage in Atlanta last week that killed eight people, including six women of Asian descent, is providing a test for Georgia's hate crime law...
A new local TV series debuts with a mission to build empathy and understanding throughout the region. Long Story Short premiers on CET, ThinkTV14 and...
The past year we've had our lives disrupted, upended and changed forever. Some of us have lost friends and loved ones. And we’ve learned ways to cope....
On Cincinnati Edition 's weekly news review:
More than one in five adolescents will experience a mental health disorder, including depression and anxiety. This puts them at a higher risk for...
Ohio's death penalty has long been a controversial topic. Now, a growing movement of conservative activists and elected leaders wants to eliminate the...
Domestic violence cases in Cincinnati increased sharply under the pandemic. 2020 was the deadliest year for domestic violence homicides in the city in...
The Brent Spence Bridge has its traffic restricted once again, this time for an overdue maintenance project expected to last until the fall.
Nationwide, Black newborns are three times more likely to die than white babies. It's a startling fact in a nation that already has a high infant...