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Before Kasich Opposed Gerrymandering, He Signed Ohio's Map Into Law

Tim Durbavetz

Breaking from the GOP, Gov. John Kasich is backing a U.S. Supreme Court challengeto a state legislative district map from Wisconsin, saying gerrymandering creates polarization and division.

Those who now want to change Congressional district maps are carefully watching this case – and noting Kasich’s support for it.

In 2011, Kasich signed into law Ohio’s Congressional district map, which has been called one of the most gerrymandered in the nation. Since then, he’s spoken out against creating overly partisan districts.

Catherine Turcer says Common Cause Ohio is working on a Congressional redistricting ballot issue for next year. And she’s glad for Kasich’s apparent change of heart.

“We are never going to get to fair districts unless we are open to people seeing the light after they did us dirty," Turcer said.

Voters changed Ohio’s Statehouse map-drawing process in 2015. Last year Kasich had said he’d put Congressional redistricting changes into his budget, but he didn’t. A spokesperson said he was working with lawmakers.

There’s a state Senate resolution on Congressional redistricting, but it’s seen no action since March. That resolution would allow the legislature to pass redistricting plans with a two-thirds majority, or with a majority of each political party.