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From Within

Season 2 Episode 8 | 1hr 05m 16s

The Academy closes its doors and Manuela feels terribly powerless. The Peraltas claim the school as theirs and have the documents to confirm it. Teresa, however, will not let Manuela sink with the school.

Aired: 12/08/22 | Expires: 03/09/23
Arcadio, Luisa's son, is back in Seville. Has he really changed?
The archery competition is about to begin, and everyone becomes a bit too competitive.
Everyone begins to prepare for Carnival. Flavia's pregnancy is taking a toll.
While writing about inspirational women, the students decide to rename the school road.
A famous actor and director come to the school to teach a class on film making.
Due to budget cuts, the school has turned off some services. A strike is underway.
Teresa is released from prison after five months--and the school is awaiting her return.
Teresa continues to unravel the investigation when a mysterious note makes her flee.
With Ramón’s help, Teresa discovers the connection between her father and Roberta's.
Manuela leaves the academy in Luisa's hands, but everything is a lie.