Who is entitled to nature’s gifts? That question is at the core of an ongoing discussion of how best to preserve and value nature.
One novel idea is to create natural asset companies that you’d invest in much like other companies. The idea has its supporters and detractors.
When it comes to artificial intelligence, school districts across the U.S. are either embracing it, avoiding it or doing a bit of both.
Teachers face the challenge every day of how to teach a technology that is evolving in real time. Generative AI offers a Pandora’s box of possibilities and pitfalls.
To help, Ohio last week partnered with a nonprofit to launch an AI toolkit for K-12 students.
We'll also hear about the latest in tech and gadget news.
- Lydia DePillis, Reporter, The New York Times
- Alex Kotran, Founder and Executive Director, aiEDU.org
- Russell Holly, Managing Editor for Commerce, CNET'
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