Intel has postponed the opening of its chip manufacturing plant in central Ohio, moving the launch date to late 2026.
Gov. DeWine's office says a delay like this is not unusual for a project of this size, but some union leaders worried about delays turning into a discontinuation of the entire project.
Also on Tech Tuesday, the first human patient has received a brain chip from Elon Musk’s company.
Neuralink implanted its brain-computer interface with hopes of making it possible for people to move a cursor with their mind.
Last week, during a Senate hearing, lawmakers had a chance to grill the CEOs of some top tech companies.
- Maheen Mausoof Adamson, clinical professor of neurosurgery, psychiatry and behavioral science, Stanford School of Medicine
- Asa Fitch, Technology Reporter, Wall Street Journal
- Russell Holly, Managing Editor for Commerce, CNET
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