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Gee Stands To Earn $671K For Extra Day's Work

Retiring Ohio State University President Gordon Gee attended his last board of trustees meeting Friday. Meanwhile WOSU has learned that Gee will receive more than a half-million dollars in retirement credits by stepping down July 1st rather than a day earlier. More than a dozen board members thanked and praised Gordon Gee during the board meeting. Algenon Marbley described Gee as a mentor. “You put us on and you kept us on a trajectory of excellence to eminence,â€? Marbley said. “You have led this university selflessly with a commitment to excellence that in the history of this university is unsurpassed.â€? Gee then read his farewell remarks from a prepared text. “The one thing that has been a rock in my life is this university,â€? Gee said. Afterward the board and the audience gave the 69-year-old a standing ovation. According to board president Robert Schottenstein negotiations for Gee’s retirement package will begin soon. He predicted they would be concluded quickly and amicably. When asked about the $671,000 that Gee will earn for staying on an extra day, Schottenstein responded: “This is not the day to discuss it,â€? Schottenstein said. “We’re celebrating an extraordinary presidency by one of the most amazing men that any one of us will ever meet. And candidly, I don’t think today’s the day to talk about it for several reasons. One, we’re not ready, it’s speculation, and it’s a little inconsistent with the moment.â€? The board approved Provost Joseph Alutto as interim president.