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Classical 101

A Musical Carnival of the Animals

Camille Saint-Saens may have written the best-loved piece of classical music illustrating various members of the animal kingdom in his "zoological fantasy," Carnival of the Animals,  wherein human musicians play musical instruments expressing their character in a delightful way.  In the attached video, things go in another direction and the animals themselves play the musical instruments, although, to be sure, with some human prodding and encouragement. After another story surfaced not long ago about Nora the famous piano playing cat and theCatcerto, I got to wondering whether there were any other musically talented beings from the animal kingdom with their own videos displaying their instrumental prowess. Lo, and behold, there was plenty.  And all on one YouTube video, too (you can tell I was having a slow start to my day to be thinking along these lines). Not only is there more than one piano-playing cat (although Nora may still be the best), but also one that plays the guitar.  I found dogs playing drums, keyboards, guitars and banjos, and a dancing bear playing a horn.  An elephant was really wailing on the harmonica, and there's an elephant percussion ensemble really groovin' along.  There was something that looked like a gerbil on an electronic keyboard, and a horse playing a recorder through its nose.  If you don't believe me, watch the video above. Now that you've  seen what it looks like for animals to play human musical instruments, here's what it looks like for humans to play music about animals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBGEf4urGNo    

Classical 101