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Classical 101

In spite of turmoil, Classical music lives and grows

2012 was a tumultuous year for Classical music organizations...actually, in the arts in general.  Management and boards of major orchestras fought with musicians over salaries, wrestled with funding issues, and tried to figure out new ways to increase attendance.

Through all of the musical trials and tribulations of 2012, however, one thing remains clear...composers and musicians are determined to make music, and music lovers are determined to hear it.

Music has managed to survive wars, natural disasters, and changing tastes, cultures and regimes.  As a new year dawns, I hope we all resolve to do whatever we can to make certain that this music, this timeless expression of the human soul, lives on in this world.  No one person can guarantee music and the arts will be around forever, but each of us can do something to make sure it is here tomorrow. Read The Year in Classical Music (Orange County Register)