Ever wanted to take private lessons from some of the world's top classical musicians? Well now you can. Play with a Pro is an online video platform that aims to "make classical music accessible for everyone" by giving you access to lessons from some of best classical woodwind and brass performers and teachers (for a price - most videos are $19.99). Included in the video library are warms-ups and master classes with:
- Emmanuel Pahud (flute)
- Yehuda Gilad (clarinet)
- Gustavo Nuñéz (bassoon)
- Kristian Steenstrup (trumpet)
- Radovan Vlatkovic (horn)
- and others.
To get started, just download the player; from there, you can purchase lessons and view them offline. It will be interesting to see if the service becomes available for mobile devices, but for now the videos are only available through the desktop player for Mac or PC. The price might also be a bit of a stumbling block for some, but most videos are still less than the cost of individual private lessons and most offer at least a free preview. What do you think: is this is a service you would use? Why or why not? Learn more: playwithapro.com