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Classical 101

Composer Joseph Curiale's Foundation is Guided by Helen Keller

Composer Joseph Curiale is not a household name. You may never have heard of him.  Many poor farm families in India, however, know him very well. Curiale has established the Joseph Curiale Foundation, not to encourage musicians, music education, or anything even music related. His foundation is guided, in particular, by the words of Helen Keller: "I am only one; but still, I am one. I cannot do everything, but still, I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do." It was a near-death experience in Singapore that brought Curiale to music. He hesitates to speak of it, as he prefers people to glean from his music "beauty, or peace, or love, or some kind of healing," whatever they need, without his "story" getting in the way. The Joseph Curiale Foundation grew out of the chance viewing of a report on CNN about the widows of South Indian farmers who, after the death of their husbands, are expected to pay whatever debts are owed by whatever means those owed deem necessary. What began with one woman has now spread to many.

From the Web site: For more than two years now, it has been an amazing journey trying to both save lives and help give new life to the very poor of India, primarily widows and orphaned girls. So much has happened since I first saw the South Indian farm widow, Anjamma, on a CNN newscast in March of 2006, concerning the farm suicide tragedy in India. In a momentary flash of insight and inspiration, while watching the heartbreaking CNN broadcast, a scripture I once read came to mind: “Look after orphans and widows in their tribulation…â€?~ The Bible – James 1:27

The foundation's website tells the tale far better than I could, so I leave you with this bit of Curiale's music called Prairie Hymn and hope that in it you find whatever it is YOU need. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBQRBmwgNgM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k58bewd2IjQ