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Charitable Gift Annuities

A WOSU Friends Board member at the WOSU booth at the Columbus Arts Festival.

Charitable gift annuities are the gifts that gives back.

Make a gift and start receiving fixed payments for life. For more information contact the WOSU Advancement Team at 614-292-9678 or advancement@wosu.org.

Charitable gift annuities are easy to understand and implement. In exchange for a gift of cash or long-term appreciated stock or bonds, The Ohio State University Foundation, on behalf of WOSU Public Media, promises to pay a fixed amount to one or two beneficiaries for the rest of their lives. Upon the death of the last beneficiary, the balance of the gift annuity benefits WOSU as specified by you in the contract.

Your charitable gift annuity is a combination of a gift to WOSU and an annuity. A two-life annuity continues to pay as long as either life income beneficiary is alive. The payout rates are dependent on the age and number of life income beneficiaries. In general, the older the life income beneficiary, the higher the rate.

You can claim a current income tax charitable deduction for the portion of the transfer that represents the charitable gift element—the amount by which the fair market value of the property transferred to us exceeds the present value of the annuity received.


  • Guaranteed fixed lifetime payment at an attractive annuity rate
  • Current income tax charitable deduction
  • Possible tax-free income
  • Potential estate tax savings
  • Ability to direct your gift to the specific purpose or fund of your choice at WOSU

Make a gift and start receiving fixed payments for life. For more information contact the WOSU Advancement Team at 614-292-9878 or advancement@wosu.org.

WOSU Public Media is part of The Ohio State University. All WOSU Public Media gifts and endowments are managed through The Ohio State University Foundation, the university’s primary fundraising and gift-receiving organization. The Ohio State University Foundation does not provide legal, tax or financial advice to its donors or their advisors. We encourage you to review your gift plans with your legal and tax advisor to determine the best plan for you.