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Producing for WOSU TV

WOSU Public Media seeks opportunities to work with independent producers on a wide variety of radio and television projects. WOSU’s resources are limited, so all proposals are carefully reviewed. WOSU seldom funds independent productions, but might help seek funding from corporations and foundations.

WOSU will consider completed productions for broadcast, but any program submitted should have a connection to Columbus and Central Ohio.

Use treatment guidelines below to submit your idea for a program. It must be accompanied by a release form, which you will also find on our website. Your idea will be reviewed by a committee at a quarterly meeting. After your program is considered, we’ll contact you with the committee’s decision.

Your proposal must include a treatment and signed release form. WOSU will not consider your proposal unless such a form is completed. You may use the release form on this site or call 614-292-9678 to receive a form by mail.

Writing your treatment

Proposed programs may include such topics as Arts and Culture, Social Studies, Health and Science, History, Environment, Education, and Public Affairs.

Your proposal should include a working Title, Purpose, Program Description, Goals and Objectives, Key Personnel, Marketing Strategies, and a Budget Summary. Use the information below as a guide:

Working title of program/project.

Describe your program in one sentence.

WOSU Public Media seeks opportunities to work with independent producers on a wide variety of radio and television projects. WOSU’s resources are limited, so all proposals are carefully reviewed. WOSU seldom funds independent productions, but might help seek funding from corporations and foundations.

WOSU will consider completed productions for broadcast, but any program submitted should have a connection to Columbus and Central Ohio.

Use treatment guidelines below to submit your idea for a program. It must be accompanied by a release form, which you will also find on our website. Your idea will be reviewed by a committee at a quarterly meeting. After your program is considered, we’ll contact you with the committee’s decision.

Your proposal must include a treatment and signed release form. WOSU will not consider your proposal unless such a form is completed. You may use the release form on this site or call 614-292-9678 to receive a form by mail.

Writing your treatment

Proposed programs may include such topics as Arts and Culture, Social Studies, Health and Science, History, Environment, Education, and Public Affairs.

Your proposal should include a working Title, Purpose, Program Description, Goals and Objectives, Key Personnel, Marketing Strategies, and a Budget Summary. Use the information below as a guide:

Working title of program/project.

Describe your program in one sentence.

Describe the reasons why you propose to undertake the program/project and what makes it important to viewers in Columbus and Central Ohio. How will it impact the community?

Describe the program. Is it a documentary or an instructional show or some other format? What will look like? Is it modeled after existing programs? How long will the finished project be?

Goals and Objectives
Is the program unique? Has the subject been covered before, in any medium?

What non-broadcast opportunities exist for the program/project? Are there educational elements and how do you intend to distribute resources? Are there opportunities to take advantage of new technology with this program?

Key Personnel
Production staff – explain the role that each key player (Executive Producer, Producer, Director, Researcher, Consultant, Writer, Editor, etc.) will take in planning, developing and implementing the program/project. Also describe their experience.

Target Audience
Who is the target audience, and why do you feel this is the best way to reach that audience? What can be done to attract viewers to this project?

How will you measure the impact of the program/project?

Potential Partners
Are there currently partner and or funders in place that will cover development and production cost and needs? If so, who? If not, are there any bona fide expressions of interest for funding? If so, from whom?

Detail the timeline for implementation of the program/project, including dates of key program/project activities.

Promotion and Marketing
What is the promotion plan for the program/project, including methods of reaching the target audience? Is there potential leverage for cross promotion of TV, radio, and the Internet?

Budget Summary
What is the cost estimate needed to develop and complete the program/project? Include costs for research, personnel, and production.

Send your treatment and signed release to:

Stacia Hentz
WOSU Public Media
1800 N. Pearl Street
Columbus, OH 43201