This show originally aired on September 24, 2020.The pandemic has changed everything, including our language. Words that we never used before have become…
"Podunk" is supposed to be bleak and isolated. But there are a few things that people who use the term might not know. For one, it really exists. For another, its history predates the United States.
In Hawaii today, nearly everyone knows how to speak a few words and phrases of Hawaiian. But the practice of primarily speaking the Hawaiian language from birth nearly died two generations ago.
At a pediatric clinic in Kirksville, Mo., a young boy is waiting in an exam room to be vaccinated. A nurse explains the shots to his mother, and Lisette...
Some linguists are arguing that the advent of softer food thousands of years ago led to changes in biting patterns and, eventually, to more frequent use of sounds like "f" and "v" in human languages.
In the book Speaking of Alabama, an essay by linguistics professor Catherine Davies calls "y'all" a speech "improvement" — at least when referring to the plural second person.
Judge Andrea Peeples says having an honest interpreter is crucial. She recalls a case she heard when she first hit the bench, during which a brother was…
Language constantly changes. New words and phrases are always emerging. And no one knows that better than author and host of the “Grammar Girl” podcast,…
Procter & Gamble has filed to trademark such Internet speak as "LOL" and "WTF," saying the terms could be used to market its products.
Editor Peter Sokolowski predicts the phrase is here to stay. "It's been used so broadly in the last two to three years ... that people in the future will have to know what it meant."