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Outright Gifts

Preschool students wear superhero costumes during a Ready to Learn event.

Provide immediate funds to support WOSU and tax benefits and receive tax benefits.

For more information contact the WOSU Advancement Team at 614-292-9678 or advancement@wosu.org.

Cash Gifts
Cash gifts can be made by personal check, credit card, bank wire, money order or bank draft and are eligible for an income tax charitable deduction.

Gifts Of Appreciated Stock
Gifts to WOSU of long-term appreciated stock, bonds or mutual funds held for more than one year pay no capital gains tax on the transfer. Since WOSU is a tax-exempt organization, 100 percent of your gift will support your area of choice. Appreciated stock can be used to establish a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust.

How It Works

  1. Contact the Office of Estate and Gift Planning to discuss the transfer. We can provide transfer instructions.
  2. Upon receipt, WOSU sells the stock and uses the proceeds to support your chosen area or program.

Example: A donor owns 100 shares of ABC stock valued at $100 per share. He purchased them several years ago for $50 per share. Donor donates 100 shares to WOSU to support the causes for which he is passionate.
Donor receives an income tax charitable deduction for the fair market value of the stock, which is determined as the average of the high and low share price on the day of transfer. If the high and low share prices were $101 and $99, then the income tax charitable deduction would be $10,000. In addition, Donor avoids the tax on the $5,000 in capital gains from the ABC stock.

IRA Charitable Rollover
The IRA charitable rollover law allows you to transfer up to $105,000 tax-free directly from an individual retirement account (IRA) to WOSU.

Gifts through an IRA charitable rollover can satisfy your required minimum distribution for the year and reduce your taxable income, even if you do not itemize deductions. You may qualify if you are age 70 ½ or older on the date of the gift and the transfer of funds is directly from an IRA to WOSU.

How It Works

  1. Contact our office for detailed instructions for the transfer.
  2. Contact your IRA administrator and ask how to initiate the transfer.
  3. Send the IRA administrator the instructions from our office.

The donor of an IRA rollover gift is not eligible to receive any benefits or privileges in return for the gift, including, but not limited to, membership in a donor society and athletic ticket points and benefits.

WOSU Public Media is part of The Ohio State University. All WOSU Public Media gifts and endowments are managed through The Ohio State University Foundation, the university’s primary fundraising and gift-receiving organization. The Ohio State University Foundation does not provide legal, tax or financial advice to its donors or their advisors. We encourage you to review your gift plans with your legal and tax advisor to determine the best plan for you.