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Legacy Gifts

2022 WOSU TV Ohio Valley Regional Emmy winners.
WOSU TV 2022 Ohio Valley Regional Emmy Award winners (from left to right) Ben Bayes, Leticia Wiggins, Diana Bergemann and David Holm.

Support WOSU after your lifetime

Thoughtful planning helps create a rewarding future for yourself and your family. You can also use your future plans to extend your support of the places you care about, like WOSU.

Gifts through your will or retirement plan assets allow you to make a significant contribution to WOSU without affecting assets during your lifetime.

Contact the WOSU Advancement Team at 614-292-9678 or advancement@wosu.org.

Giving Through Your Will

One of the most popular ways to leave a legacy gift to support WOSU is through a gift in your will. A bequest in your will describes your wishes to make a charitable gift after your death. These types of gifts provide the greatest amount of flexibility and can be used to support the areas or programs you are most passionate about at WOSU.

Percentage Giving And Your Will
The value of your estate will likely fluctuate throughout your lifetime. Instead of giving a fixed dollar amount to us, consider gifting a percentage of your estate.

  • Gift a percentage of your estate in your will.
  • Leave a percentage of your residual estate (the portion of your estate that remains after all claims of the estate are settled).

Types of Gifts From Your Will

  1. Unrestricted Bequest
    Provides WOSU with the greatest flexibility to use the gift where it is needed most at the time of receipt.
  2. Restricted Bequest
    Support a specific program or area of your choice.
  3. Endowed Bequest
    Designate your bequest to an endowed fund that is permanently invested to generate annual support for the area you specify.

Giving Through Your Retirement Plan Assests

Retirement funds directed to individuals, other than a spouse, can be subject to a high level of both federal and state income and estate taxes. When you name WOSU as the partial, sole or contingent beneficiary of your retirement plan assets you can avoid taxation and WOSU receives 100% of the retirement plan assets.

How It Works

  1. Contact our office to discuss where you would like the gift to be used. We will provide suggested language for your beneficiary designation form.
  2. Request a beneficiary designation form from your retirement plan administrator.
  3. Complete the beneficiary designation form with the language provided by our office.Return the completed form to your retirement plan administrator.

Eligible Plan Assets

  • Individual Retirement Accounts
  • Profit-sharing or other defined contribution plans
  • 401(k) plans
  • 403(b) plans

Secure The Future of WOSU. Contact the WOSU Advancement Team at 614-292-9878 or advancement@wosu.org.

WOSU Public Media is part of The Ohio State University. All WOSU Public Media gifts and endowments are managed through The Ohio State University Foundation, the university’s primary fundraising and gift-receiving organization. The Ohio State University Foundation does not provide legal, tax or financial advice to its donors or their advisors. We encourage you to review your gift plans with your legal and tax advisor to determine the best plan for you.