This episode originally aired on July 19, 2023.
The Alzheimer’s drug Leqembi was recently given full approval by the Food and Drug Administration.
In addition, Medicare says it will cover much of its high cost.
However, due to one potential side effect, the FDA has added its most urgent warning level to the drug’s label.
Parents have been hearing it for years: get your children off of screens, because too much screen time is bad for your child’s development.
However, a new study from Ohio State says those fears are largely unfounded.
Since 2008, the Pelotonia ride has attracted thousands of bike riders to an array of road courses, ranging from 25 to nearly 200 miles, all in an effort to raise money for cancer research at Ohio State’s comprehensive cancer center.
This year, the usual rides are scheduled over the weekend of August 5 with a new course added to attract a different sort of cyclist later in September.
- Amy Juravich, 89.7 NPR News Midday Host and assistant program director
- Pam Belluck, Health and Science Writer at The New York Times
- Rebecca Dore, Director of Research for Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy
- Alida Smith, Chief Marketing Officer for Pelotonia
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