In the 1960s cartoon "The Jetsons," the writers imagined the year 2062, when a family of four lived in high-tech simplicity with their life-sized robot, Rosie, who ruled the roost.
Six decades later, there’s no Rosie, yet. But there are robots that vacuum your rugs, clean your swimming pool and mow your lawn.
Coming up on Tech Tuesday, we’ll talk about the current reality and the universe of possibilities for domestic robots.
Discord is a chat app popular with gamers. It was also used to spread dozens of classified intelligence reports.
The leak has raised a number of questions about who has access to top government secrets and how the leak went unnoticed. We’ll look at the social media app Discord and its connection to the U.S. military.
We will also discuss the HBO Max streaming platform expanding its catalog of content when it merges with Discovery+ to become a new streamer named “Max."
- Evan Ackerman, Senior Editor, IEEE Spectrum
- Drew Harwell, Tech Reporter, The Washington Post
- Russell Holly, Managing Editor for Commerce, CNET
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