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Searching for solutions on gerrymandering and gun control

The Ohio Statehouse in downtown Columbus on March 26, 2020.
Ryan Hitchcock

In this week's episode of Snollygoster, Ohio's politics podcast from WOSU, host Mike Thompson talks with a panel of reporters and pundits about guns and redistricting reform.

Guns and Politics

The power of the gun lobby and 2nd Amendment voters is on full display in Ohio. Despite recent mass shooting tragedies, the Republican-dominated legislature has passed a bill that would lower training requirements for armed personnel in schools.

Republicans said the measure could prevent shootings in schools while Democrats warn that putting more guns in schools will end badly. Each school district will decide for itself whether or not to allow armed staff in its buildings.

Reform the Reform

This August, voters will use an unconstitutional map to pick candidates for Ohio House and Senate seats. That’s because a federal court stepped in and ordered the state to use that map.

Fair redistricting advocates worked hard to get voter approval of the new redistricting process and to make sure lawmakers used that system to draw fair maps. So far it does not look like it's working.

It may require a truly independent commission to draw fair districts.

Snollygoster of the Week

The Ohio House passed a resolution urging the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom to add Canada to a religious freedom watch list. That's because the nation locked down churches during the COVID-19 pandemic and forced church leaders who stop holding services.

Republican State Rep. Reggie Stoltzfus of the Canton area said Canada’s behavior is similar to what we see in Communist-controlled China.

Send questions and comments to snollygoster@wosu.org.