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Vote Now: Choose Our Next Curious Cbus Story

Besnson Kua, Derek Jensen
flickr & wikimedia

WOSU has been very busy in the past couple weeks with our Curious Cbus project, where you ask the questions and we investigate the answer. We've reported on the end of the "Clintonville Kangaroo" saga and learned why there is an abandoned highway overpass downtown.

All of those stories are thanks to questions from you.

Lots of great new questions have been pouring in, and now we need your help.

The choices in this month's voting round cover some very different topics: ice cream, LGBT history and state government.  Tell us which WOSU reader question you want Curious Cbus to tackle next!


You can vote through Friday, June 22. And if you have a question about Columbus, its people or its culture, you can go to wosu.org/curious to submit your own and see all the stories we've investigated so far. 

Michael De Bonis develops and produces digital content including podcasts, videos, and news stories. He is also the editor of WOSU's award-winning Curious Cbus project. He moved to Columbus in 2012 to work as the producer of All Sides with Ann Fisher, the live news talk show on 89.7 NPR News.