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Conversations About Faith with Fred Andrle

This hour-long radio presentation, Conversations about Faith, explores several of the many dimensions of religious faith in America. We’ll talk about the nature of faith with Marsha Sinetar, Christian contemplative and author of Ordinary People as Monks and Mystics. We’ll find out what people mean when they say, “I’m spiritual, but not religious,â€? with Methodist Theological School in Ohio Professor of Theology Linda Mercadante. Professor Mercadante’s extensive research into the SBNR phenomenon is forthcoming in a book from Oxford University Press. And we’ll talk with neurosurgeon Eben Alexander, M.D. In a coma for seven days, Dr. Alexander experienced what he believes was a direct, personal awareness of God’s presence in a journey to the afterlife. He is author of Proof of Heaven. The program is hosted by Fred Andrle.