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Visitors at the King Arts Complex remembered the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in honor of the King holiday. They had varied opinions about how President Obama is carrying out King's legacy.

A choir set a joyful tone at the King Arts Complex for hundreds remembering the life of Doctor Martin Luther King Junior. The civil rights leader preached about his hope for equality for all Americans. One year after the election of Barack Obama, the first African American president some say that King's legacy is being fulfilled. Cassandra Hawkins was at last year's inauguration. Hawkins says it takes time to make change.

"He inherited a lot of the unemployment issues a lot of the problems that we're having now he inherited those and it's not going to turn around within a year. It didn't get this bad within a year." Hawkins says.

Hawkins blames Republicans for not working with the administration's goals. "He is getting the healthcare passed it's not what it originally was but I don't see the other side of the group the Republicans are working with him." Hawkins says.

Hawkins 84 year old mother Marchane says President Obama can't do the work by himself.

"I think his term in office has been as well as you could expect. He is a man he's not God and I don't know why but people want to give people a celebrity or someone with that stature a God-like quality." Hawkins says.

Some economic experts are predicting black unemployment in Ohio will reach more than 20 percent later this year. Charles Easton believes Washington lawmakers including President Obama could do more.

"With the bailouts they're giving these corporations money, but I don't hear about these corporations hiring any people. Why not funnel that money into the communities a little better to help those that are trying to get started." Easton says.

Easton says during hard times people have to rely more on their own strength and determination.

Debbie Holmes has worked at WOSU News since 2009. She has hosted All Things Considered, since May 2021. Prior to that she was the host of Morning Edition and a reporter.