For some Ohio Dominican University students, the new school year, which began August 20th, did not get off to a good start. Racist signs and slurs were removed from two buildings at Ohio Dominican University. But some students feel removal was not enough.
On the Ohio Dominican campus, more than a dozen students chanted and carried signs reading "Revolution Now" and "Say Yes To Diversity" protesting what they say is a lack of action by the university's administration regarding racist acts. A "Whites Only" sign was removed from a bathroom in the university's administration building. And an elevator in a residence hall was closed until swastikas and racial slurs could be painted over. Vice President of the Black Student Union, Audia Fraley, said the group wants a formal apology.
"We wanted them to recognize that diversity is important, and you can not sit by the wayside and not address these issues. We would like an issue letter of apology stating the incident that happened, and apologizing to the entire Ohio Dominican community; because it's not just a minority problem, it's a people problem," Fraley said.
Fraley said her meeting with the vice president of student affairs regarding the racist acts was futile. During the protest, the dean of students and other administrators walked over to speak with Fraley and some others.
"They told us that they would like to set up a meeting to address these issues. But we feel that we've talked enough, now it's time for action. You know, it shouldn't take us out here protesting with signs for you to do something about it. You should have did something about it when we came to you," Fraley said.
Carol Magendie has been the university's dean of students since June.
"I wish they would have come to me, yes. I wish they would have come to me. Because they certainly would be heard," Magendie said.
Magendie said Ohio Dominican has promoted diversity since it opened 95 years ago, and thinks just a handful of people is trying to create problems.
"They will be dealt with according to university policy immediately as soon as we find them," Magendie said.
Magendie said a formal apology has not yet been discussed with other administrators.