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County Commission Tables Proposed Labor Agreement

Striking members of a Teamsters Local today picketed the Franklin County Courthouse and tried to drum up support for their position in a labor dispute with the Franklin County Child Support Enforcement Agency. Union and County leaders are scheduled to meet later this afternoon with a state mediator. Workers have been on strike since June 12th.

While the workers demonstrated on near High and Mound streets, county commissioners met on the 26th floor to consider a different kind of labor dispute.

Commissioners tabled a proposed Project Labor Agreement or PLA for construction of a new county courthouse. The proposal sets rules for workers, contractors and unions who are hired to work on the new building. Critics of the proposal say it was union friendly. Commission president Paula Brooks voted to table the measure even though democrats have a 2 to 1 majority on the commission and could have approved it.

Both Stokes and Brooks say the 100-million dollar construction project will start on time.