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Columbus Unites raises thousands for hurricane victims

Radio and television stations, city workers and other volunteers continue to line the streets near city hall this afternoon collecting money for hurricane victims.

Columbus Unites has been a day-long effort to raise money for the red cross.

Along the sidewalk in front of city hall, the radio stations set up temporary studios.

The formats varied greatly, from classic rock, to religious, to hip hop, to easy listening to news/ talk. The programming was different but the message the same: Give money to help hurricane victims.

All those pitches prompted passing drivers and pedestrians to drop checks, cash, and spare change into silver paint buckets held by volunteers.

Roberta Fagan dropped a check into one of those buckets..

I gave because there are a lot of people in need right now, she said.

Holding one of those shiny buckets was Columbus city worker Alvina Goodwin.

My bucket has thousands of dollars in it.. People have been so generous today. It's great, she said.

Television celebrities held buckets. So did politician. So did OSU Cheerleaders and Columbus Blue Jackets Captain Luke Richardson.

Hockey is just a game and a small part of life, you have to realize that there are so many more important things, Richardson said.

They nearly all had stories of donations large and small. Donatos pizza dropped in a check for $32,000; drivers emptied their ash trays of spare change.

Radio station WCBE's office manager Tammy Allen's can filled with donations and tales of goodwill..

I had a lady come down from Delaware with a jar of money and wad of bill. A family from Upper Arlington donated money from a lemonade stand, she said..

The donations will help the Red Cross help the many people along the gulf coast but also the 120 or so people who have evacuated to central Ohio..

Mike Thompson spends much of his time correcting people who mispronounce the name of his hometown – Worcester, Massachusetts. Mike studied broadcast journalism at Syracuse University when he was not running in circles – as a distance runner on the SU track team.