Detroit Symphony Ticket Sales, Donations Up After Strike
In the aftermath of a strike which threatened the very existence of the Detroit Symphony, reports show more people are attending concerts and the total number of donors is up 27% over last year. Read Detroit Symphony's Post-Strike Fund Raising, Ticket Sales Increase (Detroit Symphony)
Metropolitan Opera Stifling HD Theater Competition
More people than ever are attending opera performances since the Met began streaming live performances in HD movie theaters. Now that other companies are getting in on the act, the grandaddy of grand opera doesn't like the competition. Read How The Met Uses its Muscle at the Movies (
New Movie Asks: How Persnickety Are Pianists?
Kids are picky about what they eat, wear, and read, who they're seen with, and pretty much everything else. But if you think your kids are picky, try pleasing a concert pianist. Read Pianomania Takes Persnickety Pianists To A New Pinnacle (NPR) Watch an excerpt from Pianomania